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kurulus osman season 2 episode 12 english subtitles. How to Watch Kurulus Osman in English Subtitles.

kurulus osman season 2 episode 12 english subtitles.

This is 12th Episode of Season 2 and 39 of total Series. And in this blog I am telling about how to Watch this Episode in English Subtitle on YouTube.

Follow these Steps for English Subtitle.
Step 1: Click on Settings.

Step 2:  Click on Captions.
Step 3:  Click on Auto-translate.

Step 4: Select English.
The Ottoman - Episode 39 The people of Anatolia was forced to live under the circumstances of the danger caused by the presence of Byzantine empire while suffering from Mongolian invasion. Kayı tribe is a frontiersman that remains its' presence at Söğüt. Because of where the tribe is located to face the Byzantine danger, they are in a continuous state of red alert. Giving the conditions and the sickness of Ertuğrul Ghazi, there occured a power vacuum. The power struggle caused by this war of principality is between Osman who is heroic and brave is the youngest child of Ertuğrul Ghazi and the uncle of Osman; Dündar and Gündüz who is good at statesmanship. Dündar, is the most succesfull man in the field of politics after his elder brother Ertuğrul Ghazi. After his brother's sickness emerged, his hunger towards power has increased. Dündar is born ready to defeat whomever is against him on this path to power. Aygül, on the other hand, is responsible for the women administration that lives in the Kayi tribe, and ever since they were a child she is in love with Osman and wishes to marry him. The brave and beautiful Bala Hanım who is the daughter of Şeyh Edebali, is after some truths to protect her people. For they both prioritize their people's future, Bala Hanım's and Osman's path has crossed. They fall in love at first sight. Although, betrayals and plots causes major obstacles for their love. Osman will fight internally and externally, both for the sake of Kayi tribe's future and for to rejoin with Bala Hanım by overcoming the obstacles they faced. Starring: Burak Özçivit, Özge Törer, Nurettin Sönmez, Erkan Avcı, Didem Balçın, Yıldız Çağrı Atiksoy, Seda Yıldız


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